Tag Archives: Ryan Gilbertson

Investing in Oil Companies

As oil prices begin to rise off their lows, smaller oil and gas companies in North America are ideal investments for both amateur and professional investors.   Smaller companies are often a great way to make a return since their share price is lower than larger companies.

Northern Oil & Gas A Great Buy

Northern Oil& Gas -  BakkanNorthern Oil & Gas (NOG) happens to be a gret stock to buy and it is well below its highs at 18.91.  It has been rising steadily as of late and I see no reason why it should stop.  In the second quarter Northern Oil & Gas‘s sales rose a 204% when compared to the second quarter of 2010.  The CEO of Northern Oil & Gas is Michael Reger and its President is Ryan Gilbertson.  Both have been with the company since its founding and have seen Northern expand to 600 wells in the Bakkan area of North Dakota and Montana.